Sunday, 13 October 2013

The Male Gaze: James Bond Extract

The James Bond franchise is a clear example of film objectifying females and forcing the audience to view females via the male gaze. The scene within ‘Die Another Day’ when james Bind meets the character Jinx, demonstrates my previous statement by starting the scene with a strong presentation of the Male Gaze through the forced objectification of the character Jinx through the eyes of James Bond whom is represented from a voyeuristic position through the use of the post-production  from the editing of the vignette shot denotating it is the viewpoint of the binoculars through James Bond’s eyes.
During this scene of the first meeting of Jinx, it is slow-motioned with a mid-shot to enable the audience to focus on her body and her movements through a longer amount of time to share the scopophillia through James Bonds’ view with non-diegetic sounds of violins and flutes arising to the climax alongside connotating a romantic, fantasy vibe pursuing the audience to connect with James Bond and he indulges the visual pleasure of the objectified female. Jinx is presented being exaggerated with her actions such as rising above to sea level with her arms flinging around, brushing her hair back to display a sense of sexualisation/ seduction to capture attention. Her exaggerated actions are also displayed when her hips are swayed side to side as she steps out of the beach with yet a perfectly, flawless makeup illustrating a hyper reality of how woman should behave to appeal towards men forming a constructed representation of reality.

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